Friday, May 11, 2012

Pandering--To Tack Into The Political Wind...

The President has come out formally in favor of gay marriage, and claims to have evolved to that position. 

First, I do not believe government has any place in legislating any religious function.  If an administering official is willing to marry two people, will not God judge that?  Didn’t God have something to say about what happens when we judge?  (Look it up!) Government has no place in religion.  My grandmother would have said, "The government needs to tend to it's own knitting."

Second, the President has changed his mind several times, first supporting, then opposing.  This is not evolving, it is flip-flopping.  This means that he has no belief system of his own, and tacks into the political wind.  He says whatever he needs to get elected, and has done so all along.  This is lying—LYING!  What else would you call it?  Why do so many accept the lies?  

Someone once said that a person who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

Many of you will write or comment, condemning my criticism of the President, but you should do the research for yourself.  There are legitimate sources, using his own words, in context, that demonstrate his changing stances depending on what audience and for which office.

It is time to stand up to the lies, no matter the candidate, no matter the party or ideology.  It is time to ask the hard questions and check out the answers.  I have done some extensive research before writing.  You should do some extensive research before criticizing.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

America Needs A Hand-Up, Not A Handout!

A society has a moral obligation to care for those who cannot care for themselves. Our present welfare system provides care for those who can't, and for many who simply won't. 
Our system needs to be revised to care for those who can't, and prevent those who won't from making a career of welfare. We need to eliminate "welfare as a way of life" except for those who do not have the ability to live any other way.
It is not an indignity for the able-bodied person to have to work for welfare, no matter how menial the task. A handout is not dignified. America needs a hand-up, not a handout.
Any person who is capable of performing a task, and is already being paid, should have work.  Counting paper clips, or delivering mail, or emptying trash are all better than accepting a handout.  Even the Bible says. "...for the laborer is worthy of his wages."
My father taught me that a job was something for which to be proud.  I say that a job is worth working for!  Our country was made great by the people who took pride in their best work, not by anyone who sat back and asked, "What can I get from the government?"
We don't have to formally create a job to provide someone with work, and if we do,  that should change!  Work is change we all can believe in.  Work is the recipe for recovery, even when we are in this deep!  Let's stop counting new job creations and get to work. 
Work as a way of life... What a concept!